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The Empower Period Committee

Our youth-board is made up of menstrual justice activists from across the UK. They work closely with Irise’s team and board of Trustees to co-produce our strategy and programmes, as well as leading on their own campaigns

Charlie is an artist living in the Cornish countryside. She runs a small immersive installation venue (The Womb Tomb) at festivals where The Period Vampires drain people and give out free period products, care, education and a safe place to talk about your period.

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Charlie (she/her)

Cynthia is a passionate menstrual health advocate and also Days for Girls UK board member. She recently founded a charity focused on keeping girls in school by providing menstrual products and education, empowering young women to overcome period poverty and ensuring equal access to education.

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Cynthia (she/her)

Diya is passionate about having open conversations around periods, particularly in marginalised communities where menstruation continues to be a site of shame. She believes its important to create spaces where people in her community feel able to share their concerns about menstruation so we can destigmatise the topic.

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Diya (she/her)

About Irise

Irise is an award winning, global leader in menstrual justice programming, policy and research. 

Contact Us

+44 0114 7069955

+44 07772587984

7 Castle Street, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S3 8LT

period product
period products
Charity Number

UK Registered Charity Number: 1157722 

Uganda NGO Registration Number: 11946


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