We research the root causes of menstrual injustice. We are dedicated to informing practice that is rooted in the best available evidence and the needs and experiences of people with periods.
Scarlet Murmurations: Advancing Global Menstrual Justice
Commissioned by Irise and the GMC - this is a ground-breaking new report and tool for the movement to drive menstrual justice globally
The State of Period Equity in the UK report was led by In Kind Direct, in partnership with Irise International and supported by Essity.
Our Strategy
of the Menstrual Practice Needs Scale
Irise worked with Dr Julie Hennegan to develop a set of self-report questions to measure women and girls menstrual experience.
Our Strategy
Experiences of menstruation in high income countries
A systemic review study, co-authored by Irise and academics at The University of Western Australia, Burnet Institute and The University of Leeds reviewed 3,800 people’s experiences of periods.
Our Strategy
10 Million Futures
Irise & IIEA’s report on the impact of the pandemic on girls rights under the Period Equality Framework.
Our Strategy
Young & Female: The Double Disadvantage
Irise’s own report on the increasing inequalities of young women in the UK as a result of the pandemic